Monday, May 1, 2017

Miller Neighborhood Group Meeting: Wednesday May 3rd

for a map summarizing the ideas generated at the HALA meeting at Miller)

Miller Park Neighbors Community Meeting
Wednesday May 3, 2017   6:30pm  Holy Names Academy

Chair; Elaine Nonneman 
I. Review of Agenda and Procedures. Sign Ins. Introduction of Steering Committee members. (General Introductions ?)

Co-Chair; Debrah Walker  General HALA Information Updates. 
II. Report back from subcommittees;
RPZ  - Tami Broadhead and others

Community Associations- Dara Ayres, Jack Thompson, Greg Walton
Historic Seattle- Paul Neal, Jeri Schneider
Allied Arts-Judith Bader, Jack Baker

III. Talking points: Erin Moyer, Brian Murphy, Barbara Dallman, Jason Barber

IV. Next Steps: Debrah Walker

1 comment:

  1. Can we include info about the development that is already happening/happened between john and madison and 19th and 23rd? that fits into the density goal aspect for the neighbhorhood. we have been doing our part as compared to other neighborhoods (laurelhurst, washington park)
